Start Ranking on Page #1 of Google
Okay, so it's not rocket science to reach page one of Google search, but it does require some strategy. Check out this in-depth review of exactly how to utilize the top SEO and SEM tactics to rank on the first page of Google.

On-Page Technical Optimizations

Technical SEO is a fundamental when you're looking to develop a custom SEO strategy. You can have the most ground-breaking, insightful piece of content for a popular topic in your niche, but if your website has unresolved technical SEO issues, you’ll struggle to rank high in search engine result pages (SERPs). It's crucial that you spend some time optimizing the technical SEO of your site. We'll help you identify some "low-hanging fruit" to target right away to improve your digital search presence then create an action plan.

Better Track Your Performance
One of the first things we like to do is conduct a complete audit of your current tracking infrastructure. More specifically your conversion tracking, which ensures that all search engines, advertisers, and ad networks know where an important data point (events, app installs, purchases, etc) originated from. This will help you better determine the quality of the lead source, offering a firm understanding of the campaign performance for future optimization.

Quality White Hat Approach
The term “white hat” isn’t limited to just link building. It’s used to define agreeable SEO best practices and should be an pilar focus for any off-page optimization strategy. Practices that align with Google’s guidelines are considered white hat so, in essence, keep it clean and play by Google’s rules. Your goals should be centered on your users and creating the ideal experience for them while adding valuable.

Effectively Team Up Organic with Paid Ads
There is a real synergy that can be engineered when joining SEO with SEM and other paid media solutions. Paid and organic social are different beasts best harnessed for different goals. For an entirely holistic approach that balances awareness with conversions, it pays to know the pros and cons of both organic and paid ads.

Hear What This Happy Marketer Thinks
Flexibility. Enthusiasm. Knowledge.
"Their ideas for our brand, our website, and implementation of SEO strategies has been both effective and efficient. Their team's flexibility, enthusiasm, knowledge, and quick turnaround are an aid to a growing digital brand needing guidance and refinement. The Growth Shark will not only meet your growth expectations but exceed them."

Ishita C.
Director of Operations

These are the top questions we hear about SEO and SEM.
What is SEO?
How does SEO work?
Will SEO help my business?
How long does it take?